Therapy for Existential Concerns

Existential issues can weigh heavily on your mind. Reach out today to address these issues in a safe and supportive environment.

What is Existentialism?

Existentialism is a philosophy that revolves around what it means to be human. You may have heard of an Existential Crisis before, but what goes into that? How can the fact of being alive cause such big issues? Typically, existentialism is broken down into four categories called “Givens”


Our mortality and how we deal with that information.


We are the only ones who can experience our life from our perspective. The inherent separateness of yourself and others.

Freedom and Responsibility

Our freedom to make choices and our responsibility for those choices. Creating our own path in life.


The idea that life has no inherent meaning, so it is up to you to create your own sense of purpose.

Us as humans grapple with these givens of existence our entire lives. Occasionally, something can cause us to look more closely at these ideas like reaching a certain age, experiencing a close loss, or experiencing a traumatic event. This can bring up a lot of questions about yourself, your future, and your overall outlook on life. 

It is perfectly normal and even helpful to think through these givens from time to time. During these times though, it can also be accompanied with intense feelings of anxiety and depression. Therapy is a great space to process these questions and to identify ways to live a fulfilling and authentic life.

Start Creating a Fulfilling
and Meaningful Life