Emotion Regulation

Whether you are feeling emotionally numb or if your emotions feel too big to handle, therapy can help sort through these concerns to create a more fulfilling life. 

Possible Symptoms

  • Difficulty connecting with  emotions
  • Flat affect
  • Difficulty connecting with  others
  • Difficulty expressing self
  • Feeling detached from  yourself
  • Apathy
  • Low energy or motivation

Treatment Approach

Feeling no emotions can arise from many different factors. It can be a symptom from another condition such as depression or PTSD, a side-effect of certain medications, or even the environment we grew up in. Some techniques used to help are values exploration and mindfulness/grounding techniques. Regardless of where it comes from, therapy can help you reclaim your emotions.

Possible Symptoms​

  • High anxiety or worry
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Impulsiveness
  • Difficulty managing  behaviors
  • Conflict in relationships
  • Intense shame or guilt
  • Easily frustrated or annoyed

Treatment Approach​

Intense emotions can make us feel out of control. They may have you acting impulsively, they may be causing problems in your personal relationships, and may even have you questioning if they are “justified.” Through therapy, we will learn ways to weather through intense feelings without acting on them, find soothing skills that help calm yourself during these intense emotions, and find ways to utilize their guidance without feeling like the emotion is taking control.

Take charge of your
emotional health